HohmTech Sherlock Hohm 20700 Battery
HohmTech Sherlock Hohm 20700 Battery
Features and Specifications:
- High Discharge INR Flat Top Battery
- 2782 mAh Rated Capacity
- 3.7V Nominal Voltage
- 28.4A Continuous
- 47.8A Pulse
- modified cathode tag consisting of higher purity aluminum is utilized to aid in lowering internal resistance
- updated poly seal with refined bitumen is installed in every cell to ensure excess pressure is controlled
- each cell is fitted with our proprietary EPTC (Enhanced Positive Thermal Coefficient) ring with higher multiplier of resistance
- every cell is equipped with 2-stage CID (Current Interrupt Device) system to aid in overcharge prevention
We pre-charge our batteries for you so you don't have to wait to use them!
Warning: Never short out the positive and negative terminals - never store a loose battery in your pocket or purse without protecting the ends from short circuits
Use only high quality battery chargers
Charge only with battery chargers that are made for Li-Ion batteries
Never leave charging batteries unattended
Never completely discharge Li-Ion batteries to below 2. 5V
Do not expose to heat
Never charge a Li-Ion battery over 4. 25V
Store at approximately 3. 6V - 3. 7V
Due to safer battery chemistry in IMR type batteries (than ICR), they are unprotected.
Discharging to below 2. 5v can shorten the life of the battery or render it useless.