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Myths and Facts

Myth: Vaporizers are a gateway to tobacco for teenagers

Fact: This is the major concern of most health professionals and institutes. However, several studies show that an increase in vaporizer use in high schoolers did not translate into an increase in smoking. In fact, a fact sheet by the U.S. Gov’t based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the increase in vaping actually occurred along with a decrease in smoking among the high schoolers. Responsible retailers like us at Haze Vape Co. also voluntarily enforce an 18+, no-minors rule to help eliminate the chance of young non-smokers being affected. *1


Myth: A vaporizer and an e-cigarette are the same thing

Fact: Well, both of them use e-liquid but that is about the only similarity they have. Most e-cigs look like a traditional tobacco cigarette, are sealed units that are small in size and come in many flavour combinations. Vaporizers are more powerful, rechargeable and refillable devices that offer the user control over the quality of the ingredients and strength of nicotine content.


Myth: E-liquids contain dangerous ingredients and you don’t know what you are putting in your body

Fact: There are 4 ingredients used in eliquids. Vegetable Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, Flavouring and Nicotine. These same 4 ingredients are used in Health Canada approved, inhalable NRT (Nicotine Reduction Therapy) products already on the market. Those same approved products also contain 10 other ingredients, at least one of which in reality, are actually quite concerning. *2


Myth: eLiquids contain antifreeze

Fact: This is one of the most ridiculous myths. While Propylene glycol is also used in antifreeze, no e-liquids actually contain antifreeze. In fact, PG is used to replace Ethylene Glycol in antifreeze in order to reduce the harm in case it is swallowed accidentally, or for food-safe service applications. The FDA deems Propylene Glycol as “GRAS” (Generally recognized as safe) for human consumption.*3


Myth: Vapor contains Formaldehyde

Fact: A study published by five scientists at Portland State University, claimed that at extremely high, unusable temperatures, the vapor produced can contain Formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen. However, the same study showed that when vaped at regular, user-friendly temperatures, there were no traces of Formaldehyde. Inevitably, the study which was conducted in an attempt to demonstrate harm, actually proves them to be nowhere near as harmful as claimed by some. *4


Myth: Vaping can cause "Popcorn Lung"

Fact: A study from Harvard's Medical school presents information stating that eLiquid can contain 2, 3 Pentanedione, Diacetyl and Acetoin. What it didn't present is that tobacco smoking contains much higher concentrations - in the case of Diacetyl, an average of 100 times the amount found in eLiquids. Further, the claim that Diacetyl causes "Popcorn Lung", is only attributed to 8 workers at a microwave popcorn plant in Missouri who contracted Bronchiolitis Obliterans ("Popcorn Lung"). "Popcorn Lung" has yet to be determined to be caused by smoking, let alone vaping. *5


Myth: "We don't know if it's safe"

Fact: As written by Forbes magazine, the Royal College of Physicians, Founded in 1518 by a Royal Charter from King Henry VIII and the oldest medical college in England, first exposed tobacco smoking for its' harms in 1962, 2 years before the U.S. Surgeon General released his own report. To quote the RCP's report on e-cigarettes and vaping: "E-cigarette vapour contains a far less extensive range of toxins, and those present are typically at much lower levels than in tobacco smoke,” the report notes. “In normal conditions of use, toxin levels in inhaled e-cigarette vapour are probably well below prescribed threshold limit values for occupational exposure, in which case significant long-term harm is unlikely. Some harm from sustained exposure to low levels of toxins over many years may yet emerge, but the magnitude of these risks relative to those of sustained tobacco smoking is likely to be small….Although it is not possible to quantify the long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes precisely, the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products, and may well be substantially lower than this figure.” *6


Myth: Nicotine can cause cancer

Fact: While nicotine is habit-forming and can be addictive, it does not cause cancer and isn’t a carcinogen. Multiple studies by independent groups as well as government agencies tried to find a link between nicotine and cancer, but none succeeded. *7


Myth: Vaporizers are explosive

Fact: After reading a few glorified news stories on the Internet and watching the videos that show batteries exploding in people’s pockets, and vaporizers venting in cars while they're charging, it's worth noting that vapes are no more explosive than your smartphone or any other gadgets that contain batteries. ANY battery can explode if mishandled or charged incorrectly. In other words, the vaporizers are not the culprit, but often a lack of common sense, battery safety and education. If used properly and charged with the recommended charger, vaporizers are about as dangerous as your smartphone. If you put a battery in a pocket or purse that contains other metal objects, there's a strong chance those metal objects can meet up with the battery ends and create a short circuit. We HIGHLY recommend that spare batteries be carried in containers that prevent these sorts of incidents from occuring, such as the following found on our site:

Further, with rebuildable atomizers, users can create their own "build". When this is done, education and battery safety become EXTREMELY important, even more yet when these types of atomizers are used with "Mechs" - mechanically switched devices that offer no safety limitations other than the users' knowledge and experience. We do NOT sell these types of devices to new users, our customers can expect many questions on their "qualifications" to use these types of devices - but ultimately, the onus of safety is on the user purchasing this type of device.





*4 Here's a well-written description of what went on with the "Formaldehyde" study.


